Entry Level Chaplaincy Course

This new course provides the first steps into Chaplaincy.  It is an opportunity to explore chaplaincy in more depth through in-person teaching and learning.

The course is for anyone, lay or ordained,  who is considering chaplaincy but equally also for those who have just taken their first chaplaincy position or are looking to move into this sector.

The course involves no essay writing, instead we encourage you to keep a portfolio/journal throughout the course – adding in resources, reflections, and your personal journey. We also ask you to find a placement (this could be in your current context) in which to experience and observe chaplaincy in action.  This could be a few hours a week or experienced as a two-week block – it is totally flexible.  This could be different from your context if you are exploring different types of chaplaincies.

The course involves no essay writing, instead we encourage you to keep a portfolio/journal throughout the course – adding in resources, reflections, and your personal journey. We also ask you to find a placement (this could be in your current context) in which to experience and observe chaplaincy in action.  This could be a few hours a week or experienced as a two-week block – it is totally flexible.  This could be different from your context if you are exploring different types of chaplaincies.

Throughout the course we are asking you to explore Where am I called?  Key to this course is an opportunity for you to explore your calling and listen to God, in a creative learning environment.  This is an ongoing strand through the course, which we will be revisiting and reflecting upon in prayer and worship.

On completion, students will receive a certificate from SWMTC.  

The course will be delivered as part of a theological learning community by Revd Michele Kitto, an experienced chaplain, and guest speakers.

Download information sheet for more details – and here is a poster to put up in your church – or click on the thumbnails.

Duration & Attendance:  Six in-person Saturdays at Plymouth Marjon University and one on Zoom throughout the year.

Fees: The fee for this one-year course is £700 and includes all teaching, course materials and tutor support.

To apply: Please complete the Registration form

For more information and an informal conversation, please contact: principal@swmtc.org.uk